The Vedas are ancient books of hymns. There are four—the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda—and they are the primary texts of Hinduism. They had an enormous influence also on Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. According to Hindus, the text of the Vedas is as old as the universe itself. Sama Veda SAKSIVC Page 5 of 7 ˜™ Sama Veda SAKSIVC Page 6 of 7 Text of the Song and text of Verse As mentioned earlier, the singing of the Samaveda Verse is not an adhoc improvisation, but follows a strict procedure. There is a method for producing the text for the song based on the corresponding Sama mantra. He has also compiled information on Vedas, Mahabharata, Bharatavarsha kingdoms, cities, rivers and their frequency counts in the Mahabharata, details of personalities. SAmaveda Complete Samaveda Sanskrit encoded text without svara marks by Anshuman Pandey is available in different formats, namely Encoded text, postscript, PDF Unicode formats.
Vedas are the ancient text of hindu religion originally written in sanskrit. The foundation of hinduism is based on vedas written by hindu sages and saints. There are four ved in hindu religion. This holy text of our hindu religion is a rich source of knowledge and attract scholars to research on it but for a common reader its not easy to read and understand it because of language hurdle. Most of the Hinduism literature is available in Sanskrit language and only used for the purpose of worship and other Hindu rituals.
But sometimes we feel to know what really it is then we have to face the difficulty of language. If this text will be available in our own language then it will be much easier to understand. We use bhashya written by scholars and some saints to understand the Vedas. Here we have find the all four veda with their hindi translation and meaning.
These books are rare but now available in ebooks too.
Atharvaveda Hindi Bhashya Pratham Kandam By Kshemkaranda Trivedi Atharvaveda is the fourth of the Vedas. For a long time it was not considered a Veda. Only Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda were recognized as the triple Vedas (triveda).
Historians believe that the Atharveda was included among the Vedas after the Vedic civilization matured and incorporated many traditions and practices of other groups and cultures. It may also be partly due to the growing influence of Shavisim, Shaktism or Tantrism. The Veda contains many mystic chants, spells and prayers meant to either heal or harm or seek protection against harmful forces.
AtharvaVeda vol 7 By Charles Rockwell Lanman – 1905 When, in 1855-6, the text of the Atharva-Veda was published by Professor Roth and myself, it was styled a “” first volume,”” and a second volume, of notes, indexes, etc., was promised. The promise was made in good faith, and with every intention of prompt fulfilment; but circumstances have deferred the latter,even till now.
The bulk of the work was to have fallen to Professor Roth, not only because the bulk of the work on the first volume had fallen to me, but also because his superior learning and ability pointed him out as the one to undertake it. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad translated By Swami Madhavananda The long-felt want of a reliable, complete English translation of so important a book as Sankara’s Commentary on the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad has urged me to venture on this difficult undertaking.
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Had the long-promised translation by Dr. Ganganath Jha, in Mr. Seshachari’s series, come out, or had Dr. Rider been living to complete, and revise, his translation, which extends only up to the first chapter of the book and is long out of print, or if Prof. Hiriyanna of Mysore had completed his admirable edition, which discovers only the first three sections of that chapter, there would have been no necessity for another edition. But since the presentation m English of Sankara’s longest and greatest commentary on the Upanishads seemed to me to be overdue, I have prepared this edition for the use of those students of Vedanta whose knowledge of Sanskrit is not as high as that of English.