However, in the above example you can’t literally see Frank returning from Europe. Instead, “I see” means to understand. Therefore, see in this use is a mental word. • Action: These roses smell wonderful. This example refers to the physical action of smelling flowers and comments on their scent.
• Mental: Something smells funny about this situation. On the other hand, in this example, nothing literally smells funny.
Instead, it means to recognize that there’s something strange about the situation. There are hundreds of words that could go on a list of action verbs. The words above are a few basic physical action and mental action words, but there are many more to learn. For a PDF list of more action words, visit this. Linking Verbs List There’s a category of words that do not describe any action. Instead, these words explain a state of being such as a condition or relationship.
You can use words in this linking verbs list to connect the subject with other words in a sentence. There aren’t as many words on a linking verb list as there are on a verb list for mental and physical actions, but each linking word is important nonetheless. Here’s a being verbs list. Am Appear Are Be Become Been Being Feel Grow Is Look Remain Seem Smell Sound Stay Taste Turn Was Were As you can see on the linking verbs list above, all forms of to be are important linking words to know. The rest work as either action or linking words, depending on what happens in the sentence.