You are watching now the Furious 7 (2015) movie has Action Crime Series Thriller Genres and produced in Japan, USA with 137 min runtime. Brought to you by and directed by James Wan, Deckard Shaw seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family for his comatose brother. Dominic and his crew thought they’d left the criminal mercenary life behind. They’d defeated international terrorist Owen Shaw and went their separate ways. Fifa 2014 game download descarcare. But now, Shaw’s brother, Deckard Shaw, is out killing the crew one by one for revenge. Worse, a Somalian terrorist called Jakarde and a shady government official called “Mr. Nobody” are both competing to steal a computer terrorism program called “God’s Eye,” that can turn any technological device into a weapon.
Targeted by a cold-blooded black-ops assassin with a score to settle, their only hope is to get behind the wheel again and secure an ingenious prototype.
Torretto must reconvene with his team to stop Shaw and retrieve the God’s Eye program while caught in a power struggle between the terrorist and the United States government.