The Conjuring 2 is a 2016 American horror film directed by James Wan and written by Carey Hayes, Chad Hayes, Wan and David Leslie Johnson. It is the sequel to the 2013 film The Conjuring, and is the second installment in The Conjuring film series and the third in the franchise. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as paranormal investigators and authors Ed and Lorraine Warren from the first film. The film follows the Warrens as they travel to Britain to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their Brimsdown, Enfield council house in 1977 which later became referred to as the Enfield Poltergeist.
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The Conjuring 2 is a 2016 American horror film directed by James Wan and written by Carey Hayes, Chad Hayes, Wan and David Leslie Johnson. It is the sequel to the 2013 film The Conjuring, and is the second installment in The Conjuring film series and the third in the franchise. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga reprise their roles as paranormal investigators and authors Ed and Lorraine Warren from the first film.
The film follows the Warrens as they travel to Britain to assist the Hodgson family, who are experiencing poltergeist activity at their Brimsdown, Enfield council house in 1977 which later became referred to as the Enfield Poltergeist.